# Contract Debugging

# Debugging Environment

In order to debug smart contract, you need setup a local node and do debugging through your node's RPC interface.

Vite provides 2 debugging environments: development and testing.

Development Environment

  • Account balance is NOT verified before sending transaction.
  • Each transaction can utilize maximum 47.62UT quota with no staking.

Testing Environment

  • Quota and balance are verified normally. Pay attention to your balance and quota during debugging.


It is possible to debug your smart contract in Microsoft Visual Studio Code (aka VS Code) in development environment.

# Debug Contracts in VS Code

Soliditypp extension for VS Code supports debugging solidity++ smart contract in local development environment.

Following features are supported:

  • solidity++ syntax highlighting
  • solidity++ code auto completion
  • Auto compilation when saving .solpp file
  • Compilation error highlighting
  • Detailed error message displaying when mouse over
  • One-click smart contract deployment and debugging
  • Support for multiple smart contract interaction
  • Deployment/debugging result displaying
  • Support for offchain queries
  • Example solidity++ code

# Install Soliditypp Extension

Search for "soliditypp" in VS Code and install.

# Generate examples

Open VS Code workbench, press ⇧⌘P(or F1) in Mac(or Ctrl+Shift+P in Windows) to bring Command Palette, and then execute command soliditypp: Generate Examples. This will generate example contracts in the working directory.

# Write Smart Contract

Write your contract in a new .solpp file and then save it by pressing ⌘S in Mac(or Ctrl+S in Windows). Your source file will be automatically compiled each time it is saved. Lines with compilation error in the code will be marked with red underscore. Detailed error message will be displayed when you mouse over.

VS Code will recognize .solpp file as solidity++ source by default.

# Deploy/Debug Smart Contract

In Debug panel, start debugging and choose Soliditypp environment. This will launch a local gvite node and all following deployment and debugging steps will take place on this node. Please note that all data will be cleared from the node after debugging is complete.

# Debug Contracts in CLI

# Create A Boilerplate

Clone the examples project from: https://github.com/vitelabs/soliditypp-examples as a boilerplate.

Copy git clone https://github.com/vitelabs/soliditypp-examples.git

# Quick Start

Copy npm install npm test

# Test on Release Environment

Contracts are compiled by the release version of solppc and deployed on local network running the release version of gvite.

Copy npm run test-on-release

# Test on Beta Environment

Contracts are compiled by the beta version of solppc and deployed on local network running the beta version of gvite.

Beta version means gvite is deployed on testnet but not deployed on mainnet yet.

Copy npm run test-on-beta

# Test on Nightly Environment

Contracts are compiled by the nightly version of solppc and deployed on local network running the nightly version of gvite.

Nightly version is the developing build of solppc and gvite.

Copy npm run test-on-nightly

# Create Your Own Contract

Create a .solpp file in contracts directory and write contract code in it.

Create a .spec.ts file in test directory and write tests in it.

# Compile Contracts

Use solppc-js to compile contracts: https://github.com/vitelabs/solppc-js.