Some sort of interface is needed to communicate with a node. For this purpose, the client offers a set of RPC/IPC methods that can be called.

Definitions of Terms:

  • RPC: Remote Procedure Call - is a particular type of communication, but can be on a single machine, or across a network between machines.
  • IPC: Inter-Process Communication - is a general term for communication between different processes (which are usually on a single machine).

# Get started

The file gvite.ipc will only exist while the node is running and IPCEnabled is set to true in the node_config.json file.

# Wallet Management

Please make sure to add the `wallet` module to the `PublicModules` list in the `node_config.json` before starting the node. Otherwise the following command will fail with: `The method wallet_createEntropyFile does not exist/is not available`.

Remember to remove said `wallet` module from `PublicModules` when the setup is completed, for safety purposes.

# Create Wallet

Execute the following command:

Copy ./gvite rpc ~/.gvite/maindata/gvite.ipc wallet_createEntropyFile '["Your_Password"]'

This will produce a similar result:

Copy { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "result": { "mnemonics":"shoot notice glow maze repair outdoor swallow lounge tunnel gym tuition illness fault hill giggle possible enhance ecology interest interest rice inspire awful boil", "primaryAddress":"vite_525cabb6d3acd6a583747e7b916a18726828e1171551dbc09a", "filePath":"/home/anon/.gvite/maindata/wallet/vite_525cabb6d3acd6a583747e7b916a18726828e1171551dbc09a" } }
  • mnemonics: Mnemonic phrase. Please keep it safe
  • primaryAddress: Vite address at index 0 corresponding to the mnemonic
  • filePath: The location of the keyStore file

# Recover Wallet from Mnemonic

Execute the following command:

Copy ./gvite rpc ~/.gvite/maindata/gvite.ipc wallet_recoverEntropyFile '["Your_Mnemonic", "Your_Password"]' e.g. ./gvite rpc ~/.gvite/maindata/gvite.ipc wallet_recoverEntropyFile '["utility client point estate auction region jump hat sick blast tomorrow pottery detect mixture clog able person matrix blast volume decide april congress resource", "123456"]'

This will result in the following output:

Copy { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "result": { "mnemonics": "utility client point estate auction region jump hat sick blast tomorrow pottery detect mixture clog able person matrix blast volume decide april congress resource", "primaryAddress": "vite_981bca7a348de85bd431b842d4b6c17044335f71e5f3da59c0", "filePath": "/home/anon/.gvite/maindata/wallet/vite_981bca7a348de85bd431b842d4b6c17044335f71e5f3da59c0" } }

Now the keystore file "vite_981bca7a348de85bd431b842d4b6c17044335f71e5f3da59c0" has been regenerated under "~/.gvite/maindata/wallet/".

# Recover Mnemonic from Wallet


Copy ./gvite rpc ~/.gvite/maindata/gvite.ipc wallet_extractMnemonic '["Your_Address", "Your_Password"]' e.g. ./gvite rpc ~/.gvite/maindata/gvite.ipc wallet_extractMnemonic '["vite_981bca7a348de85bd431b842d4b6c17044335f71e5f3da59c0", "123456"]'


Copy { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "result": "utility client point estate auction region jump hat sick blast tomorrow pottery detect mixture clog able person matrix blast volume decide april congress resource" }

# Monitoring

# Query snapshot block height


Copy ./gvite rpc ~/.gvite/maindata/gvite.ipc ledger_getSnapshotChainHeight


Copy gvite-windows-amd64.exe rpc \\.\pipe\gvite.ipc ledger_getSnapshotChainHeight

The following result will be displayed:

Copy {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":"1021388"}

1021388 is the current snapshot block height.