# Vuilder Kit

Vuilder (opens new window) is the Solidity++ smart contract development kit to help developers reduce complexity of compilation, library linking, testing, and deployment of the contract. Vuilder has the following common commands:

Copy npx vuilder node // start a local gvite node npx vuilder compile // compile contract npx vuilder test // test contract npx ts-node deploy.ts // execute a ts file

The following sections show how to use Vuilder with an example.

# Create a Vuilder Project

Execute the command to create a typescript project.

Copy mkdir vuilder-demo && cd vuilder-demo npm init -y && npm i typescript --save-dev && npx tsc --init --resolveJsonModule true npm install ts-node @types/node @vite/vuilder chai mocha @types/chai @types/mocha

# Compile Contract

Let's create two sample contracts and save to contracts subfolder. Create the subfolder if it doesn't exit.

Copy mkdir contracts vim contracts/HelloWorld.solpp Copy // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 pragma soliditypp >=0.8.0; contract HelloWorld { uint public data = 123; function set(uint a) external { data = a; } } Copy vim contracts/transfer.solpp Copy // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 // Demonstrate how to transfer tokens from / to a contract. pragma soliditypp >=0.8.0; contract TransferVite { event Received(address sender, vitetoken token, uint amount); constructor() payable {} // Receive Token function receive() external payable { address sender = msg.sender; vitetoken token = msg.token; uint amount = msg.value; emit Received(sender, token, amount); } function sendViteTo(address payable addr, uint amount) external payable { // send VITE to `addr` addr.transfer("tti_5649544520544f4b454e6e40", amount); } }

Compile the contract

Copy npx vuilder compile HelloWorld.solpp npx vuilder compile transfer.solpp

It should show that the compilation is successful

# Testing

Set up local network and test account

Copy mkdir test vim test/vite.config.json

The settings below should not be modified due to the mnemonic phrase for local network has been set up by default.

Copy { "networks": { "local": { "http": "", "ws": "", "mnemonic": "record deliver increase organ subject whisper private tourist final athlete unit jacket arrow trick sweet chuckle direct print master post senior pluck whale taxi" } } }

Write test cases in HelloWorld.spec.ts

Copy vim test/HelloWorld.spec.ts Copy import { expect } from "chai"; const vuilder = require("@vite/vuilder"); import config from "./vite.config.json"; let provider: any; let deployer: any; describe("test HelloWorld", () => { before(async function() { provider = vuilder.newProvider(config.networks.local.http); console.log(await provider.request("ledger_getSnapshotChainHeight")); deployer = vuilder.newAccount(config.networks.local.mnemonic, 0, provider); console.log('deployer', deployer.address); }); it('test set function', async () => { // compile const compiledContracts = await vuilder.compile('HelloWorld.solpp'); expect(compiledContracts).to.have.property('HelloWorld'); // deploy let helloWorld = compiledContracts.HelloWorld; helloWorld.setDeployer(deployer).setProvider(provider); await helloWorld.deploy({}); expect(helloWorld.address).to.be.a('string'); console.log(helloWorld.address); // check default value of data let result = await helloWorld.query('data', []); console.log('return', result); expect(result).to.be.an('array').with.lengthOf(1); expect(result![0]).to.be.equal('123'); // call HelloWorld.set(456); await helloWorld.call('set', ['456'], {}); // check value of data result = await helloWorld.query('data', []); console.log('return', result); expect(result).to.be.an('array').with.lengthOf(1); expect(result![0]).to.be.equal('456'); }); });

Write test cases in transfer.spec.ts

Copy vim test/transfer.spec.ts Copy import { describe } from "mocha"; import { expect } from "chai"; import * as vuilder from "@vite/vuilder"; import config from "./vite.config.json"; let provider: any; let deployer: vuilder.UserAccount; describe('test transfer', () => { before(async function() { provider = vuilder.newProvider(config.networks.local.http); console.log(await provider.request("ledger_getSnapshotChainHeight")); deployer = vuilder.newAccount(config.networks.local.mnemonic, 0, provider); console.log('deployer', deployer.address); }); it('test contract', async () => { // compile const compiledContracts = await vuilder.compile('transfer.solpp'); expect(compiledContracts).to.have.property('TransferVite'); // init user accounts const alice = vuilder.newAccount(config.networks.local.mnemonic, 1, provider); console.log('alice', alice.address); const bob = vuilder.newAccount(config.networks.local.mnemonic, 2, provider); console.log('bob', bob.address); await deployer.sendToken(alice.address, '200'); await alice.receiveAll(); await deployer.sendToken(bob.address, '100'); await bob.receiveAll(); // deploy let transferVite = compiledContracts.TransferVite; transferVite.setDeployer(deployer).setProvider(provider); await transferVite.deploy({tokenId: 'tti_5649544520544f4b454e6e40', amount: '600'}); expect(transferVite.address).to.be.a('string'); console.log(transferVite.address); let balanceA = await transferVite.balance(); expect(balanceA).to.be.equal('600'); // Alice sent 50 to the contract A const block = await alice.sendToken(transferVite.address, '50'); await vuilder.utils.waitFor(() => { return vuilder.isReceived(provider, block.hash); }, "Wait for receiving token"); // check balance of A balanceA = await transferVite.balance(); // console.log('balance of A:', balanceA); expect(balanceA).to.be.equal('650'); // check events of A let events = await transferVite.getPastEvents('Received', {fromHeight: 0, toHeight: 0}); expect(events[0]?.returnValues?.sender).to.be.equal(alice.address); expect(events[0]?.returnValues?.token).to.be.equal('tti_5649544520544f4b454e6e40'); expect(events[0]?.returnValues?.amount).to.be.equal('50'); // check balance of Alice let balanceAlice = await alice.balance(); // console.log('balance of Alice:', balanceAlice); expect(balanceAlice).to.be.equal('150'); // Alice call contract A.sendViteTo() to send token to Bob await transferVite.call('sendViteTo', [bob.address, 30], {caller: alice, amount: "100"}); // check balance of Bob before receiving let balanceBob = await bob.balance(); // console.log('balance of Bob:', balanceBob); expect(balanceBob).to.be.equal('100'); // Bob recevie the money await bob.receiveAll(); // check balance of Bob after receiving balanceBob = await bob.balance(); // console.log('balance of Bob:', balanceBob); expect(balanceBob).to.be.equal('130'); // check balance of A balanceA = await transferVite.balance(); // console.log('balance of A:', balanceA); expect(balanceA).to.be.equal('720'); }); });

Run the test script and watch results.

Copy npx vuilder test

For more examples, please refer to soliditypp-examples (opens new window)

# Deployment

Congratulations! All the tests have passed, we can deploy the contract on the blockchain now.

Create a deploy.config.json file specifying the deployment environment and a mnemonic phrase. Here we deploy the contract in the testnet.

Copy mkdir scripts vim scripts/deploy.config.json Copy { "http": "https://buidl.vite.net/gvite", "mnemonic": "your mnemonic phrase" }

Write deployment script

Copy vim scripts/deploy.ts Copy import { expect } from "chai"; import * as vuilder from "@vite/vuilder"; import config from "./deploy.config.json"; async function run(): Promise<void> { const provider = vuilder.newProvider(config.http); console.log(await provider.request("ledger_getSnapshotChainHeight")); const deployer = vuilder.newAccount(config.mnemonic, 0, provider); // compile const compiledContracts = await vuilder.compile("HelloWorld.solpp"); expect(compiledContracts).to.have.property("HelloWorld"); // deploy let helloWorld = compiledContracts.HelloWorld; helloWorld.setDeployer(deployer).setProvider(provider); await helloWorld.deploy({}); expect(helloWorld.address).to.be.a("string"); console.log(helloWorld.address); return; } run().then(() => { console.log("done"); });

Run deploy script

Copy npx ts-node scripts/deploy.ts

We can get the contract address on the console.

To ensure the contract is deployed successfully on the chain, you can check the address on a Vite Explorer (opens new window).