# ViteX WebSocket API

# Base Endpoint

  • [MainNet] wss://api.vitex.net/v2/ws

# Quick Start

Copy npm install -g wscat wscat -c wss://api.vitex.net/v2/ws > {"command":"ping"} < {"code":0,"event":"pong","timestamp":1635682990916} > { "command": "sub", "params": ["market.VITE_BTC-000.trade"]} < {"code":0,"event":"sub","topic":"[market.VITE_BTC-000.trade]"} < {"code":0,"data":[{"a":"0.00018200","bf":"0.00000045","bh":48524712,"bid":"00000401000000000000001bc56000617e877c00001a","id":"6473c6cc1ebc0031053963a4f73c0daf245cde9c","p":"0.00000182","q":"100.0","qid":"tti_b90c9baffffc9dae58d1f33f","qs":"BTC-000","s":"VITE_BTC-000","sf":"0.00000045","sid":"00000400ffffffffffffffe43a9f00617e645f000012","side":1,"t":1635682226,"tid":"tti_5649544520544f4b454e6e40","ts":"VITE"}],"event":"push","timestamp":1635682227087,"topic":"market.VITE_BTC-000.trade"}

# Message Patterns

# Request Messages

Copy { "command":"sub", // command "params":["market.VX_VITE.depth"] // params }

# Response Messages

Copy { "code": 0, // error code "event": "push", // event "timestamp": 1635659587885, // time stamp "topic": "market.VX_VITE.depth", // topics "data": {...} // data payload }

# Commands and Events

  • sub: subscribe to a topic
  • un_sub: un-subscribe from a topic
  • ping: keep-alive heartbeat message
  • pong: keep-alive heartbeat acknowledgement
  • push: data pushed to the client

# Keep Alive


To keep sessions alive, ping heartbeat messages should be sent every 10 seconds and no longer than 1 minute at most. When heartbeats are sent later than 1 minute, the client is not regarded as alive anymore and registered subscriptions will be cleaned up.

# Subscribe

# Topics

Topic Description Message
order.$address Order update Order
market.$symbol.depth Depth data update Depth
market.$symbol.trade Trade data update Trade
market.$symbol.tickers Market pair statistics update TickerStatistics
market.quoteToken.$symbol.tickers Quote token statistics update TickerStatistics
market.quoteTokenCategory.VITE.tickers Quote token category statistics update TickerStatistics
market.quoteTokenCategory.ETH.tickers Quote token category statistics update TickerStatistics
market.quoteTokenCategory.USDT.tickers Quote token category statistics update TickerStatistics
market.quoteTokenCategory.BTC.tickers Quote token category statistics update TickerStatistics
market.$symbol.kline.minute 1-minute candlestick chart (aka kline) update Kline
market.$symbol.kline.minute30 30-minute candlestick chart (aka kline) update Kline
market.$symbol.kline.hour 1-hour candlestick chart (aka kline) update Kline
market.$symbol.kline.day 1-day candlestick chart (aka kline) update Kline
market.$symbol.kline.week 1-week candlestick chart (aka kline) update Kline
market.$symbol.kline.hour6 6-hour candlestick chart (aka kline) update Kline
market.$symbol.kline.hour12 12-hour candlestick chart (aka kline) update Kline

# Push Message Definitions

Push messages will be sent to the client continually after successsfully subscribing to a topic.

# Push Message Pattern

Copy { "code": 0, // error code "event": "push", // event "timestamp": 1635659587885, // time stamp "topic": "market.VX_VITE.depth, market.BTC-000_VITE.depth", // topics, support single and multiple topic subscriptions, separated by "," "data": {...} // data payload }

# Order

  • Definition:
Copy // order id private String oid; // symbol private String s; // trade token symbol private String ts; // quote token symbol private String qs; // trade tokenId private String tid; // quote tokenId private String qid; // side private Integer side; // price private String p; // quantity private String q; // amount private String a; // executed quantity private String eq; // executed amount private String ea; // executed percentage private String ep; // executed average price private String eap; // fee private String f; // status private Integer st; // type private Integer tp; // create time private Long ct; // address private String d;
  • Example:

# Trade

  • Definition:
Copy // tradeId private String id; // symbol private String s; // trade token symbol private String ts; // quote token symbol private String qs; // trade tokenId private String tid; // quote tokenId private String qid; // price private String p; // quantity private String q; // amount private String a; // time private Long t; // side: 0-buy, 1-sell private Integer side; // buyer orderId private String bid; // seller orderId private String sid; // buyer fee private String bf; // seller fee private String sf; // block height private Long bh;
  • Example:

# Ticker Statistics

  • Definition:
Copy // symbol private String s; // trade token symbol private String ts; // quote token symbol private String qs; // trade tokenId private String tid; // quote tokenId private String qid; // open price private String op; // previous close price private String pcp; // close price private String cp; // price change private String pc; // price change percentage private String pCp; // high price private String hp; // low price private String lp; // quantity private String q; // amount private String a; // price precision private Integer pp; // quantity precision private Integer qp;
  • Example:

# Candlestick Chart (aka Kline)

  • Definition:
Copy private Long t; // timestamp in seconds private Double c; // close price private Double o; // open price private Double v; // volume private Double h; // high price private Double l; // low price
  • Example:

# Depth

  • Definition:
Copy private List<List<String>> asks; // [[price, quantity],[price, quantity]] private List<List<String>> bids; // [[price, quantity],[price, quantity]]
  • Example: