# Util

# util_getPoWNonce

Calculate a PoW nonce based on the given difficulty. Usually this method is called to obtain an temporary amount quota upon sending a transaction with no staking.

  • Parameters:

    • string bigint: PoW difficulty
    • string hash: Blake2b(address+previousHash)Blake2b(address + previousHash). For example, if address is vite_ab24ef68b84e642c0ddca06beec81c9acb1977bbd7da27a87a and previousHash is 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, the hash value is 8689fc3e7d0bcad0a1213fd90ab53437ce745408750f7303a16c75bad28da8c3
  • Returns:

    • string base64: nonce
  • Example: