What is Account Block?
Vite adopts the ledger structure of DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph). Each account has a chain composed of a list of account blocks.
Let's look at the process that account A sends a transaction to account B. First, account A creates an AccountBlock
instance with toAddress
set to the address of account B; account A signs the transaction and sends it; when the transaction is confirmed, the transfer is done.
The most common AccountBlock
must contain four pieces of information as follows:
1. The recipient's address
2. The token id
3. The amount of token to send
4. The hash of last account block so that the current account block can link to it
Note: for response transactions, the recipient's address is not required, instead, you need to provide the send block hash.
See here for more information about account block and account chain.
Module Import
import { accountBlock } from '@vite/vitejs';
const { createAccountBlock, utils, AccountBlock } = accountBlock;
Create an AccountBlock
instance with a given type
- Parameters
- transactionType: string
See Transaction Types below for possible transaction types
- params: object
See Transaction Types below for possible parameters
- Returns
- AccountBlock
- Example
const block = createAccountBlock('receive', {
address: account.address,
sendBlockHash: '44e69ea04fe830c9075c01e46f102d0c543b4119ce13ec575aee2e96501049fc',
await block.autoSetPreviousAccountBlock();
await block.autoSend();
Transaction Types
The possible transaction types that are accepted by createAccountBlock
method are listed below. In fact, they are methods of Account
class that we will cover in Account Class chapter.
Transaction type for receiving unreceived transactions
- Parameters
- object
- address: Address
Address of account
- sendBlockHash: Hex
Hash of the request transaction
- Returns
- AccountBlock
- Example
const block = createAccountBlock('receive', { // blockType: 4
address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
sendBlockHash: '156a47de8b5a690562278360e41e337ee4f1b4aa8d979f377beb0cc70f939032'
Transaction type for sending a transaction
- Parameters
- object
- address: Address
Address of account
- toAddress: Address
Transaction recipient's address
- tokenId: TokenId = Vite_TokenId
Token id. The default token is VITE
- amount: BigInt = '0'
Amount of tokens to send (in base unit, e.g. 1000000000000000000
stands for 1 VITE)
- data?: Base64
Additional data
- Returns
- AccountBlock
- Example
const block = createAccountBlock('send', { // blockType: 2
address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
toAddress: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
tokenId: 'tti_5649544520544f4b454e6e40',
amount: '1000000000000000000',
Block type for creating a smart contract
- Parameters
- object
- address: Address
Address of account
- code: Hex
Complied code of contract in hex format
- responseLatency: Uint8 = '0'
See Response Latency
- quotaMultiplier: Uint8 = '10'
See Quota Multiplier
- randomDegree: Uint8 = '0'
See Random Degree
- abi?: object | Array<object>
ABI of the constructor. If your contract doesn't have a constructor, ignore this field.
- params?: string | Array<string | boolean>
Passed-in parameter(s) of the constructor. If your contract doesn't have a constructor, ignore this field.
- Returns
- AccountBlock
- Example
const block = createAccountBlock('createContract', { // blockType: 1
address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
abi:{"inputs":[{"name": "addr","type": "address"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"constructor"},
code: '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',
responseLatency: 2,
params: ['vite_13f1f8e230f2ffa1e030e664e525033ff995d6c2bb15af4cf9']
Block type for calling a contract
- Parameters
- object
- address: Address
Address of account
- toAddress: Address
Address of contract
- abi: object | Array<object>
- methodName?: string
Name of the method to call
- params?: any = []
Passed-in parameters
- tokenId: TokenId = Vite_TokenId
Token id
- amount: BigInt = '0'
Amount of tokens to send (in base unit, e.g. 1000000000000000000
stands for 1 VITE)
- fee: BigInt = '0'
Transaction fee
- Returns
- AccountBlock
- Example
import { constant } from '~@vite/vitejs';
const { Contracts, Vite_TokenId } = constant;
const block = createAccountBlock('callContract', {
address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
abi: Contracts.RegisterSBP.abi,
toAddress: Contracts.RegisterSBP.contractAddress,
params: ['sbpName', blockProducingAddress, rewardWithdrawAddress],
tokenId: Vite_TokenId,
amount: '1000000' + '0'.repeat(18),
Block type for registering an SBP
Note: To register an SBP node, transferring 1,000,000
is required. The transferred VITE will be locked for 7,776,000 snapshot blocks (about 3 months), after which it can be withdrawn if you choose to cancel your SBP. - Parameters -object
-address: Address
Address of account (i.e. SBP Registration Address) -sbpName: string
See SBP name -blockProducingAddress: Address
See Block Creation Address -rewardWithdrawAddress: Address
See Reward Withdrawal Address -amount: BigInt = '1000000000000000000000000'
A default amount of 1M VITE is required for SBP registration. - Returns -AccountBlock
instance - Exampleconst block = createAccountBlock('registerSBP', { // blockType: 2 address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2', sbpName: 'TEST_NODE', blockProducingAddress: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2', rewardWithdrawAddress: 'vite_5e8d4ac7dc8b75394cacd21c5667d79fe1824acb46c6b7ab1f', });
Block type for updating an SBP's block producing address
- Parameters
- object
- address: Address
Address of account - must be the SBP's registration address.
- sbpName: string
Name of the SBP
- blockProducingAddress: Address
New block producing address
- Returns
- AccountBlock
- Example
const block = createAccountBlock('updateSBPBlockProducingAddress', { // blockType: 2
address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
sbpName: 'TEST_NODE',
blockProducingAddress: 'vite_5e8d4ac7dc8b75394cacd21c5667d79fe1824acb46c6b7ab1f',
Block type for cancelling an SBP
- Parameters
- object
- address: Address
Address of account - must be the SBP's registration address.
- sbpName: string
Name of the SBP
- Returns
- AccountBlock
- Example
const block = createAccountBlock('revokeSBP', { // blockType: 2
address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
sbpName: 'TEST_NODE'
Block type for withdrawing an SBP's mining rewards
- Parameters
- object
- address: Address
Address of account - must be the SBP's registration address.
- sbpName: string
Name of the SBP
- receiveAddress: Address
An address to receive rewards
- Returns
- AccountBlock
- Example
const block = createAccountBlock('withdrawSBPReward', { // blockType: 2
address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
sbpName: 'TEST_NODE',
receiveAddress: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
Block type for voting for an SBP
- Parameters
- object
- address: Address
Address of account
- sbpName: string
Name of the SBP
- Returns
- AccountBlock
- Example
const block = createAccountBlock('voteForSBP', { // blockType: 2
address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
sbpName: 'TEST_NODE'
Block type for cancelling voting
- Parameters
- object
- address: Address
Address of account
- Returns
- AccountBlock
- Example
const block = createAccountBlock('cancelSBPVoting', {
address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2'
Block type for supply a beneficiary address with quota
- Parameters
- object
- address: Address
Address of account
- beneficiaryAddress: Address
Address of quota beneficiary
- amount: BigInt
Amount of VITE to lock (in base unit, e.g. 134000000000000000000
stands for 134 VITE)
> Note: the minimum locking amount is 134 VITE.
- Returns
- AccountBlock
- Example
const block = createAccountBlock('stakeForQuota', { // blockType: 2
address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
beneficiaryAddress: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
amount: '134' + '0'.repeat(18),
Block type for cancelling locking for quota and withdrawing the locked tokens.
- Parameters
- object
- address: Address
Address of account
- id: string
Locking id - referring to the hash of the locking transaction.
- Returns
- AccountBlock
- Example
const block = createAccountBlock('cancelQuotaStake', { // blockType: 2
address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
id: '401d46c2330d3c76c8f0da6be2a24b17c5e3ece9c28d80a74e91146d1f95ad2e'
Block type for creating a new token
Note: An issuance fee of 1,000 VITE will be charged from the account of the owner who will subsequently receive an amount of issued tokens equivalent to the total initial supply. The token owner in the context of issuing a new token will not have control of the tokens sent to other accounts. See here for more information.
- Parameters
address: Address
Address of account (i.e. token owner)tokenName: string
Name of token in 1-40 characters. See Token Name.tokenSymbol: string
Symbol of token in 1-10 characters. See Token Symbol.decimals: Uint8
See DecimalsmaxSupply: Uint256
See Max Supply. For non-reissuable token, fill in0
.totalSupply: Uint256
See Total Supply. For re-issuable tokens, this is the initial supplyisReIssuable: boolean
See ReIssuable FlagisOwnerBurnOnly: boolean
Only applies to re-issuable token. Iftrue
, the token can only burned by owner. For non-re-issuable token, fill infalse
is deprecated and removed from the latest go-vite release.
- Returns
- Example
const block = createAccountBlock('issueToken', { // blockType: 2 address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2', tokenName: 'TestCoin', isReIssuable: true, maxSupply: '10000000000000000000000000', isOwnerBurnOnly: false, totalSupply: '100000000000000000000000', decimals: 2, tokenSymbol: 'TEST' });
Block type for re-issuing additional amount of tokens
Note: A re-issuable token's owner can mint additional amount of tokens by re-issuance - not applicable to non-re-issuable tokens and only the owner of the token can do this. - Parameters -
-address: Address
Address of account (i.e. token owner) -tokenId: TokenId
Token id -amount: BigInt
Amount of tokens to mint (in base unit, e.g.1000000000000000000000
stands for1000
for a 18-decimal token) -receiveAddress: Address
Address to receive newly minted tokens - Returns -AccountBlock
instance - Example
Block type for burning tokens
Note: Re-issuable tokens can be burned by sending the amount of tokens to the built-in token issuance contract - not applicable to non-re-issuable tokens. - Parameters -
-address: Address
Address of account -tokenId: TokenId
Token id -amount: BigInt
Amount of tokens to mint (in base unit, e.g.1000000000000000000000
stands for1000
for a 18-decimal token) - Returns -AccountBlock
instance - Example
Block type for changing a re-issuable token to non-re-issuable
Only the owner of the token can do this.
This action cannot be reversed
- Parameters
address: Address
Address of account (i.e. token owner)tokenId: TokenId
Token id
- Returns
- Example
Block type for transferring a token's ownership
Note: only applicable to re-issuable tokens and only the owner of the token can do this. - Parameters -
-address: Address
Address of account (i.e. token owner) -tokenId
:string tokenId
Token id -newOwnerAddress
:string address
Address of new owner - Returns -AccountBlock
instance - Example
Determine if an account block is valid regardless of block hash
- Parameters
- accountBlock: object
Fields are described above in Properties
- blockType: BlockType
- address: Address
- height: Uint64
- previousHash: Hex
- fee?: BigInt
- amount?: BigInt
- toAddress?: Address
- tokenId?: TokenId
- data?: Base64
- sendBlockHash?: Hex
- difficulty?: BigInt
- nonce?: Base64
- Returns
- boolean
If true
, the account block is valid
- Example
const isValid = utils.isValidAccountBlockWithoutHash({
address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
amount: '1000000000000000000',
blockType: 2,
fee: '0',
height: '105',
previousHash: '558c6873d27c903ec9067cf54432e9d16d9b31474adab165ad1f6cc392beeb8d',
toAddress: 'vite_0000000000000000000000000000000000000004d28108e76b',
tokenId: 'tti_5649544520544f4b454e6e40',
}); // true
Determine if an account block is valid regardless of signature
- Parameters
- accountBlock: object
Fields are described above in Properties
- blockType: BlockType
- address: Address
- height: Uint64
- previousHash: Hex
- hash: Hex
- fee?: BigInt
- amount?: BigInt
- toAddress?: Address
- tokenId?: TokenId
- data?: Base64
- sendBlockHash?: Hex
- difficulty?: BigInt
- nonce?: Base64
- Returns
- boolean
If true
, the account block is valid
- Example
const isValid = utils.isValidAccountBlockWithoutSignature({
address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
amount: '1000000000000000000',
blockType: 2,
fee: '0',
hash: '156a47de8b5a690562278360e41e337ee4f1b4aa8d979f377beb0cc70f939032',
height: '105',
previousHash: '558c6873d27c903ec9067cf54432e9d16d9b31474adab165ad1f6cc392beeb8d',
toAddress: 'vite_0000000000000000000000000000000000000004d28108e76b',
tokenId: 'tti_5649544520544f4b454e6e40',
}); // true
Determine if an account block is complete and ready to be sent
- Parameters
- accountBlock: object
Fields are described above in Properties
- blockType: BlockType
- address: Address
- height: Uint64
- previousHash: Hex
- hash: Hex
- signature: Base64
- publicKey: Base64
- fee?: BigInt
- amount?: BigInt
- toAddress?: Address
- tokenId?: TokenId
- data?: Base64
- sendBlockHash?: Hex
- difficulty?: BigInt
- nonce?: Base64
- Returns
- boolean
If true
, the account block is valid.
- Example
const { address, privateKey } = wallet.createAddressByPrivateKey();
const block = createAccountBlock('receive', {
sendBlockHash: '558c6873d27c903ec9067cf54432e9d16d9b31474adab165ad1f6cc392beeb8d',
await block.autoSetPreviousAccountBlock();
const isValid = utils.isValidAccountBlock(block); // true
Calculate the hash of an account block
Prefer using block.hash
as this will give you the hash of a valid account block. If a block is invalid, block.hash
will return null
- Parameters
accountBlock: object
Fields are described above in PropertiesblockType: BlockType
address: Address
hash?: Hex
height?: Uint64
previousHash?: Hex
fromAddress?: Address
toAddress?: Address
sendBlockHash?: Hex
tokenId?: TokenId
amount?: BigInt
fee?: BigInt
data?: Base64
difficulty?: BigInt
nonce?: Base64
vmlogHash?: Hex
triggeredSendBlockList?: AccountBlockType[]
- Returns
Hash of AccountBlock
- Example
const hash = utils.getAccountBlockHash({ address: 'vite_ab24ef68b84e642c0ddca06beec81c9acb1977bbd7da27a87a', blockType: 2, previousHash: 'd517e8d4dc9c676876b72ad0cbb4c45890804aa438edd1f171ffc66276202a95', height: '2', tokenId: 'tti_5649544520544f4b454e6e40', toAddress: 'vite_13f1f8e230f2ffa1e030e664e525033ff995d6c2bb15af4cf9', amount: '1000000000000000000000000', }); const block = createAccountBlock('receive', { address, sendBlockHash: '558c6873d27c903ec9067cf54432e9d16d9b31474adab165ad1f6cc392beeb8d', }); const hash = utils.getAccountBlockHash(block); console.log('hash:', hash); // b8db850e1a71d028e5e0e24045bce033b5e430e3da84b524de254a2a6f61fc1d console.log('block.hash:', block.hash); // null
Calculate the signature of a signed account block.
Use the block.sign
method to automatically set the signature and public key of the block. See here for details.
- Parameters
accountBlock: object
Fields are described above in Propertiesaddress: Address
blockType: BlockType
hash: Hex
height: Uint64
previousHash: Hex
toAddress?: Address
tokenId?: TokenId
amount?: BigInt
sendBlockHash?: Hex
data?: Base64
fee?: BigInt
difficulty?: BigInt
nonce?: Base64
privateKey: Hex
- Returns
signature: Base64
publicKey: Base64
- Example
const { address, privateKey } = wallet.createAddressByPrivateKey(); const blockProps = { address, blockType: 2, previousHash: 'd517e8d4dc9c676876b72ad0cbb4c45890804aa438edd1f171ffc66276202a95', height: '2', tokenId: 'tti_5649544520544f4b454e6e40', toAddress: 'vite_13f1f8e230f2ffa1e030e664e525033ff995d6c2bb15af4cf9', amount: '1000000000000000000000000', }; const hash = utils.getAccountBlockHash(blockProps); const { signature, publicKey } = utils.signAccountBlock( { hash, ...blockProps, }, privateKey, );
Encode a message string into base64 format according to VEP-8.
- Parameters
message: string
- Returns
Base64 encoded message
- Example
Determine if an account block is request transaction based on its blockType
- Parameters
- blockType: BlockType
See Block Type
- Returns
- boolean
If true
, the block is a request transaction.
- Example
const block = createAccountBlock('send', {
address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
toAddress: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
tokenId: 'tti_5649544520544f4b454e6e40',
amount: '1000000000000000000',
console.log(utils.isRequestBlock(block.blockType)); // true
Determine if an account block is response transaction based on its blockType
- Parameters
- blockType: BlockType
See Block Type
- Returns
- boolean
If true
, the block is a response transaction.
- Example
const block = createAccountBlock('receive', {
address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
sendBlockHash: '156a47de8b5a690562278360e41e337ee4f1b4aa8d979f377beb0cc70f939032',
console.log(utils.isResponseBlock(block.blockType)); // true
Generate data of AccountBlock
for creating smart contract
- Parameters
- object
- code: Hex
Complied code of contract in hex format
- responseLatency: Uint8 = '0'
See Response Latency
- quotaMultiplier: Uint8 = '10'
See Quota Multiplier
- randomDegree: Uint8 = '0'
See Random Degree
- abi?: object | Array<object>
ABI of the constructor. If your contract doesn't have a constructor, ignore this field.
- params?: string | Array<string | boolean>
Passed-in parameter(s) of the constructor. If your contract doesn't have a constructor, ignore this field.
- Returns
- Base64
: Encoded data string
- Example
const data = utils.getCreateContractData({
responseLatency: '2',
randomDegree: '1',
quotaMultiplier: '10',
code: '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',
params: '',
Generate data of AccountBlock
for calling a contract
- Parameters
- object
- abi: object | Array<object>
- methodName?: string
Name of the method to call
- params?: any = []
Passed-in parameters
- Returns
- Base64
: Encoded data string
- Example
import { constant } from '~@vite/vitejs';
const { Contracts, Snapshot_Gid } = constant;
const params = [ Snapshot_Gid, 'SBP Name', 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2' ];
const abi = Contracts.RegisterSBP.abi;
// It's ok to omit methodName only if the abi contains one method
const data = utils.getCallContractData({ params, abi });
Return the Transaction Type of a contract call
- Parameters
- object
- toAddress?: Address
Address of contract
- data?: Base64
Data of the account block
- blockType: BlockType
Block type
- Returns
- txType : TxType
Transaction type
- Example
const block = accountBlock.createAccountBlock('cancelSBPVoting', {
address: 'vite_553462bca137bac29f440e9af4ab2e2c1bb82493e41d2bc8b2',
// {
// transactionType: 'CancelSBPVoting',
// contractAddress: 'vite_0000000000000000000000000000000000000004d28108e76b',
// abi: { type: 'function', name: 'CancelSBPVoting', inputs: [] }
// }