# Common Patterns

In this chapter, we will cover the common patterns of Vite smart contract development with an example.

# A Well-Structured Vite Smart Contract

The following contract comes from a collateral vault that accepts Vite coins, and in turn, mints a stablecoin VUSD.

Copy // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma soliditypp >=0.8.0; pragma experimental Await; import "./interface/Vault.solpp"; import "./interface/ITokenMinter.solpp"; import "./interface/IOracle.solpp"; import "../openzeppelin/access/Ownable.sol"; contract CollateralVault is Vault, Ownable { vitetoken constant VITE_TOKEN = "tti_5649544520544f4b454e6e40"; uint8 constant VITE_DECIMALS = 18; vitetoken constant STABLE_TOKEN = "tti_80f3751485e4e83456059473"; uint8 constant VUSD_DECIMALS = 6; IOracle oracle; // the built-in token issuance contract ITokenMinter tm = ITokenMinter("vite_000000000000000000000000000000000000000595292d996d"); /// @param _oracleAddress The price oracle contract /// @param _tmAddress The token manager contract constructor(address _oracleAddress, address _tmAddress) payable { collateralToken = VITE_TOKEN; stableToken = STABLE_TOKEN; oracle = IOracle(_oracleAddress); if (_tmAddress != address(0)) { tm = ITokenMinter(_tmAddress); } } /// @notice Allows the owner to set a new oracle /// @param _oracleAddress The new price oracle contract to be set function setOracle(address _oracleAddress) public onlyOwner { oracle = IOracle(_oracleAddress); } /// @notice Allows the owner to set a new token minter /// @param _tmAddress The new token minter contract to be set function setTokenMinter(address _tmAddress) public onlyOwner { tm = ITokenMinter(_tmAddress); } /// @notice Allows a user to deposit VITE in exchange for some amount of VUSD /// @param _depositAmount The amount of VITE the user sent in the transaction function deposit(uint256 _depositAmount) override payable external { require(VITE_TOKEN == msg.token, "incorrect deposit token"); require(_depositAmount == msg.value, "incorrect deposit amount"); vaults[msg.sender].collateralAmount += _depositAmount; // estimate mint amount uint256 amountToMint = getMintAmount(_depositAmount); // mint stable coins, the minted token will be sent to msg.sender await tm.ReIssue(STABLE_TOKEN, amountToMint, payable(msg.sender)); vaults[msg.sender].debtAmount += amountToMint; emit Deposit(_depositAmount, amountToMint); } /// @notice Allows a user to withdraw up to 100% of the VITE collateral they have on deposit /// @param _repayAmount the amount of VUSD that a user is repaying to redeem their collateral for. function withdraw(uint256 _repayAmount) override payable external { require(STABLE_TOKEN == msg.token, "incorrect repay token"); require(_repayAmount == msg.value, "incorrect repay amount"); require(_repayAmount <= vaults[msg.sender].debtAmount, "withdraw limit exceeded"); vaults[msg.sender].debtAmount -= _repayAmount; // estimate withdraw amount uint256 amountToWithdraw = getWithdrawAmount(_repayAmount); // burn repaid stable coins await tm.Burn{token: STABLE_TOKEN, value: _repayAmount}(); vaults[msg.sender].collateralAmount -= amountToWithdraw; // send VITE to msg.sender payable(msg.sender).transfer(VITE_TOKEN, amountToWithdraw); emit Withdraw(amountToWithdraw, _repayAmount); } /// @notice Returns an estimate of how much collateral VITE could be withdrawn for a given amount of VUSD /// @param _repayAmount the amount of VUSD that would be repaid /// @return withdrawAmount the estimated amount of a vault's collateral VITE that would be returned function getWithdrawAmount(uint256 _repayAmount) override view public returns(uint256 withdrawAmount) { // get price from oracle (uint256 price, uint8 decimals) = await oracle.getLatestPrice(); return _repayAmount * 10**(VITE_DECIMALS + decimals) / (price * 10**VUSD_DECIMALS); } /** * @notice Returns an estimate on how much VUSD could be minted at the current rate * @param _depositAmount the amount of VITE that would be deposited * @return mintAmount the estimated amount of VUSD that would be minted */ function getMintAmount(uint256 _depositAmount) override view public returns(uint256 mintAmount) { (uint256 price, uint8 decimals) = await oracle.getLatestPrice(); // get price from oracle return _depositAmount * price * 10**VUSD_DECIMALS / 10**(VITE_DECIMALS + decimals); } }

The contract inherits Vault.solpp and openzeppelin/access/Ownable.sol. As an abstract contract, Vault.solpp defines the base functions and the data structure of the vault. Ownable.sol is a standard OpenZeppelin contract of Solidity, which is imported into the collateral contract without change. The contract also declares two interface fields IOracle.solpp and ITokenMinter.solpp, corresponding to a price oracle and a token minter - they will be instantiated during deployment. When the contract is in actual use, the token minter should be the Vite's token issuance contract, and the oracle is assigned with the contract address of TokenPriceOracle.solpp. We simply replace with MockOracle.solpp and MockTokenMinter.solpp in our example for demo purpose and testing.

MockOracle.solpp returns a fixed price, and MockTokenMinter.solpp maintains an amount of pre-minted VUSD tokens and sends to certain address when it is called.

The contract's directory structure is as below.

Contract directory structure

# Using Solidity Code

Most Solidity code can be directly used in Solidity++ without any change. This also applies to most contracts in OpenZeppelin library except the "ERCxxx" token contracts in Ethereum. In the example, CollateralVault extends Ownable.sol so that the onlyOwner modifier can be used in the contract. Ownable.sol is an standard OpenZeppelin contract written in Solidity.

Vite implements a native token issuance model. Issuing or minting a new token doesn't need a "Token Contract" as in Ethereum.

Copy /// @notice Allows the owner to set a new oracle /// @param _oracleAddress The new price oracle contract to be set function setOracle(address _oracleAddress) public onlyOwner { oracle = IOracle(_oracleAddress); }

# How to Transfer Tokens

In the example, the contract sends an amount of amountToWithdraw VITE tokens to msg.sender, which is the caller of the withdraw function. msg.sender must be payable in order to receive funds.

Copy // send VITE collateral to msg.sender payable(msg.sender).transfer(VITE_TOKEN, amountToWithdraw);

Note: The syntax of sending token to another address is address.transfer(_tti, _amount)

# Using Implicit Receive Function

MockedTokenMinter.solpp has defined a default (implicit) receive function, which allows others send tokens to the contract. Note that the receive function doesn't have any parameters and must be declared as payable.

Note: Solidity++ contract doesn't have a default receive function. The contract cannot receive transactions - any token sent to the contract will be returned. Always add the receive function if your contract needs to receive tokens.

Copy // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma soliditypp >=0.8.0; import "./interface/ITokenMinter.solpp"; contract MockedTokenMinter is ITokenMinter { vitetoken constant VUSD = "tti_80f3751485e4e83456059473"; /// implicit receive function receive() external payable { require(VUSD == msg.token); } /// @notice Mint a given amount of token and send to the recieve address /// @dev Instead of actually mint the token upon request, the tokens will be pre-minted and stored in this mock /// @param tokenId The token to be minted /// @param amount The token amount to be minted /// @param receiveAddress The recipient address which the minted token will be sent to function ReIssue(vitetoken tokenId, uint256 amount, address payable receiveAddress) override external { require(balance(VUSD) >= amount); require(VUSD == tokenId); // transfer token to the receive address receiveAddress.transfer(tokenId, amount); emit Minted(tokenId, amount); } /// @notice Burn token /// @dev Instead of acutally burn the token, the tokens sent with this function will be stored in this mock function Burn() override payable external { require(VUSD == msg.token); emit Burned(msg.token, msg.value); } }

# How to Call Another Contract

CollateralVault calls the price oracle contract to obtain the current price. For example, await oracle.getLatestPrice() calls the getLatestPrice() function on the oracle and returns the price. The await operator indicates the call is synchronous. The execution will pause until the price is returned from the oracle.

Await operator and Solidity

The await operator is introduced in Solidity++ v0.8.1. It is a powerful tool that makes synchronous-like calls on Vite possible. Basically, it behaves similarly to a function call in Ethereum, and gives the same execution result. However, due to the asynchronous nature of Vite, in some execution context it might give unexpected results (compared to that in Ethereum). We will explain these pitfalls in the next chapter.

Copy function getMintAmount(uint256 _depositAmount) view override returns(uint256 mintAmount) { // get price from oracle (uint256 price, uint8 decimals) = await oracle.getLatestPrice(); return _depositAmount * price * 10**VUSD_DECIMALS / 10**(VITE_DECIMALS + decimals); }

Before the await operator is introduced, all the contract call on Vite is asynchronous. They will return immediately and the Vite VM will start execute the next line of code. In the example, if we remove await, oracle.getLatestPrice() will become an async call, and the next line return _depositAmount * price * 10**VUSD_DECIMALS / 10**(VITE_DECIMALS + decimals) will start to run with an invalid price (apparently not the expected behavior for our example).

Note: The syntax of calling another contract is contract.f(_params). If you want to make it synchronous, simply adding await ahead, i.e. await contract.f(_params).

# How to Transfer Tokens when Calling Another Contract

After received VUSD repayment, the withdraw function burns the tokens by calling await tm.Burn{token: STABLE_TOKEN, value: _repayAmount}(). This calls the Burn function on TokenMinter contract and sends the tokens for burning.

Note: The syntax is contract.f{token: _vitetoken, value: _amount}(_params). The function must be payable.

# Using Libraries(OpenZeppelin)

Using OpenZeppelin library is also possible in Solidity++. Let us modify the CollateralVault.solpp contract to use the library SafeMath.sol.

Same as what need to be done in Solidity, We add an new import and declare to use the library in the contract.

Copy // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma soliditypp >=0.8.0; import "./interface/Vault.solpp"; import "./interface/ITokenMinter.solpp"; import "./MockOracle.solpp"; import "../openzeppelin/access/Ownable.sol"; import "../openzeppelin/utils/math/SafeMath.sol"; contract CollateralVault is Vault, Ownable { using SafeMath for uint; // other code of the contract... function getMintAmount(uint256 _depositAmount) view override returns(uint256 mintAmount) { (uint256 price, uint8 decimals) = await oracle.getLatestPrice(); // get price from oracle return _depositAmount.mul(price).mul(10**VUSD_DECIMALS).div(10**(VITE_DECIMALS.add(decimals))); } }

We modified getMintAmount(uint256 _depositAmount) by replacing the original math operations with functions provided in the library.