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Function Call Options

When calling functions of other contracts, you can specify the amount of a specific token to send, with the call options: {token: "tti_564954455820434f494e69b5", value: 1e18}.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma soliditypp >=0.8.0;

contract InfoFeed {
    function getBalance(vitetoken token) external view returns (uint256) {
        return balance(token);

    function info() external payable returns (uint ret) {
        return 42;

contract Consumer {
    InfoFeed feed;

    constructor (address payable addr) {
        feed = InfoFeed(addr);

    function callFeed() external {
        // send 1 VX with the call{token: "tti_564954455820434f494e69b5", value: 1e18}();

If the token call option is omitted, the VITE token is sent by default.

The following code:{value: 1e18}();
is equivalent to:{token: "tti_5649544520544f4b454e6e40", value: 1e18}();


The gas,salt keys in a call option are not supported in Solidity++.