Best Practices
This document aims to provide the best practices of smart contract development for Vite developers, including common functional practices for smart contracts, and a few examples of pitfalls that must be avoided.
Before starting, we assume you have a good understanding of Vite's asynchronous architecture, the foundation for many features of Vite's smart contracts.
Transferable by Default for Contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma soliditypp >=0.8.0;
contract Hello {
// Receive Token
receive() external payable {
Transfer to Other Addresses in the Vite Contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma soliditypp >=0.8.0;
contract Hello {
vitetoken public constant VITE = "tti_5649544520544f4b454e6e40";
function transferTo(address payable to, uint256 num) payable external {
require(msg.token == VITE, "require vite");
require(msg.value >= num, "enough to transfer");
// send VITE to `to`
to.transfer(VITE, num);
Emit an Event in the Vite Contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma soliditypp >=0.8.0;
contract Hello {
// declare event
event SayHello(address to, bytes message);
function sayHello(address to, bytes memory message) external {
// trigger event
emit SayHello(to, message);
Using the indexed
in the Vite contract event (todo)
Getting Random Numbers
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma soliditypp >=0.8.0;
contract Hello {
event SayHello(address to, uint64 i, uint256 num);
function randomEvent(address to) external {
emit SayHello(to, 0, random64()); // get random number
emit SayHello(to, 1, random64()); // get same random number
emit SayHello(to, 2, nextrandom()); // get different random number
emit SayHello(to, 4, nextrandom()); // get different random number
Calling Other Contracts Asynchronously
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma soliditypp >=0.8.0;
interface Callee {
function invoke(uint num) external;
contract Hello {
function callTo(address to, uint num) external {
Callee callee = Callee(to);
contract HelloCallee is Callee {
event CallEvent(address from, uint256 num);
function invoke(uint num) external override {
emit CallEvent(msg.sender, num);