Type Definition
Note: ViteJS is in the process of being refactored to have easier to understand types
export declare type Hex = string;
export declare type Address = string;
export declare type Base64 = string;
export declare type TokenId = string;
export declare type Int32 = string;
export declare type Int64 = string;
export declare type Uint8 = string;
export declare type Uint16 = string;
export declare type Uint32 = string;
export declare type Uint64 = string;
export declare type Uint256 = string;
export declare type BigInt = string;
export declare type Bytes32 = string;
export enum TransactionType {
'RegisterSBP' = 1,
export declare type TokenInfo = {
tokenName: string;
tokenSymbol: string;
totalSupply: BigInt;
decimals: Uint8;
owner: Address;
tokenId: TokenId;
isReIssuable: boolean;
maxSupply: BigInt;
isOwnerBurnOnly: boolean;
index: Uint16;
export declare type AccountBlockType = {
blockType: BlockType;
height: Uint64;
hash: Hex;
previousHash: Hex;
address: Address;
publicKey: Base64;
producer?: Address;
fromAddress?: Address;
toAddress: Address;
sendBlockHash?: Hex;
tokenId?: TokenId;
amount?: BigInt;
tokenInfo?: TokenInfo;
fee?: BigInt;
data?: Base64;
difficulty?: BigInt;
nonce?: Base64;
signature: Base64;
quotaByStake?: Uint64;
totalQuota?: Uint64;
vmlogHash?: Hex;
triggeredSendBlockList?: AccountBlockType[]
confirmations?: Uint64;
firstSnapshotHash?: Hex;
timestamp?: Uint64;
receiveBlockHeight?: Uint64;
receiveBlockHash?: Hex;
export declare type Transaction = {
blockType: BlockType;
height: Uint64;
hash: Hex;
previousHash: Hex;
address: Address;
publicKey: Base64;
producer?: Address;
fromAddress?: Address;
toAddress?: Address;
sendBlockHash?: Hex;
tokenId?: TokenId;
amount?: BigInt;
tokenInfo?: TokenInfo;
fee?: BigInt;
data?: Base64;
difficulty?: BigInt;
nonce?: Base64;
signature?: Base64;
quotaByStake?: Uint64;
totalQuota?: Uint64;
confirmations?: Uint64;
firstSnapshotHash?: Hex;
timestamp?: Uint64;
receiveBlockHeight?: Uint64;
receiveBlockHash?: Hex;
transactionType?: string;
contractParams?: Object;
export declare type AddressObj = {
originalAddress: Hex;
publicKey: Hex;
privateKey: Hex;
address: Address;
export enum BlockType {
'CreateContractRequest' = 1,
export declare type Methods = string |
'wallet_getEntropyFilesInStandardDir' |
'wallet_getAllEntropyFiles' |
'wallet_exportMnemonics' |
'wallet_unlock' |
'wallet_lock' |
'wallet_deriveAddressesByIndexRange' |
'wallet_createEntropyFile' |
'wallet_deriveAddressByIndex' |
'wallet_deriveAddressByPath' |
'wallet_recoverEntropyFile' |
'wallet_isUnlocked' |
'wallet_findAddr' |
'wallet_globalFindAddr' |
'wallet_createTxWithPassphrase' |
'wallet_addEntropyStore' |
'ledger_getUnreceivedBlocksByAddress' |
'ledger_getUnreceivedBlocksInBatch' |
'ledger_getUnreceivedTransactionSummaryByAddress' |
'ledger_getUnreceivedTransactionSummaryInBatch' |
'ledger_getVmlogsByFilter' |
'ledger_getPoWDifficulty' |
'contract_createContractAddress' |
'contract_getContractInfo' |
'contract_callOffChainMethod' |
'contract_getContractStorage' |
'contract_getQuotaByAccount' |
'contract_getStakeList' |
'contract_getRequiredStakeAmount' |
'contract_getDelegatedStakeInfo' |
'contract_getSBPList' |
'contract_getSBPRewardPendingWithdrawal' |
'contract_getSBPRewardByTimestamp' |
'contract_getSBPRewardByCycle' |
'contract_getSBP' |
'contract_getSBPVoteList' |
'contract_getVotedSBP' |
'vote_getVoteDetails' |
'contract_getTokenInfoList' |
'contract_getTokenInfoById' |
'contract_getTokenInfoListByOwner' |
'net_syncInfo' |
'net_syncDetail' |
'net_nodeInfo' |
'net_peers' |
'util_getPoWNonce' |
'subscribe_newSnapshotBlockFilter' |
'subscribe_newAccountBlockFilter' |
'subscribe_newAccountBlockByAddressFilter' |
'subscribe_newUnreceivedBlockByAddressFilter' |
'subscribe_newVmLogFilter' |
'subscribe_uninstallFilter' |
'subscribe_getChangesByFilterId' |
'subscribe_newSnapshotBlock' |
'subscribe_newAccountBlock' |
'subscribe_newAccountBlockByAddress' |
'subscribe_newUnreceivedBlockByAddress' |
export declare interface RPCRequest {
type?: string;
methodName: Methods;
params: any[];
export declare interface RPCResponse {
jsonrpc?: string;
id?: number;
result?: any;
error?: RPCError;
export declare interface RPCError {
code: number;
message: string;
export declare class ProviderType {
isConnected: boolean;
constructor(provider: any, onInitCallback: Function)
setProvider(provider, onInitCallback, abort)
request(methods: Methods, ...args: any[])
sendNotification(methods: Methods, ...args: any[])
batch(reqs: RPCRequest[])
subscribe(methodName, ...args)
export declare class ViteAPI extends ProviderType {
transactionType: Object;
constructor(provider: any, onInitCallback: Function)
addTransactionType(contractList: Object)
getBalanceInfo(address: Address)
getTransactionList({ address, pageIndex, pageSize }: {
address: Address; pageIndex: number; pageSize?: number;
}, decodeTxTypeList: 'all' | string[])
callOffChainContract({ address, abi, code, params })
queryContractState({ address, abi, methodName, params })
getNonce({ difficulty, previousHash, address }: {
difficulty: BigInt;
previousHash: Hex;
address: Address;
}): Promise<Base64>
export declare type AccountBlockBlock = {
blockType: BlockType;
address: Address;
fee?: BigInt;
data?: Base64;
sendBlockHash?: Hex;
toAddress?: Address;
tokenId?: TokenId;
amount?: BigInt;
height?: Uint64;
previousHash?: Hex;
difficulty?: BigInt;
nonce?: Base64;
signature?: Base64;
publicKey?: Base64;
hash?: Hex
export declare class AccountBlockClassType {
blockType: BlockType;
address: Address;
fee?: BigInt;
data?: Base64;
sendBlockHash?: Hex;
toAddress?: Address;
tokenId?: TokenId;
amount?: BigInt;
height?: Uint64;
previousHash?: Hex;
difficulty?: BigInt;
nonce?: Base64;
signature?: Base64;
publicKey?: Base64;
originalAddress: Hex;
blockTypeHex: Hex;
previousHashHex: Hex;
heightHex: Hex;
addressHex: Hex;
toAddressHex: Hex;
amountHex: Hex;
tokenIdHex: Hex;
sendBlockHashHex: Hex;
dataHex: Hex;
feeHex: Hex;
nonceHex: Hex;
hash: Hex;
isRequestBlock: boolean;
isResponseBlock: boolean;
accountBlock: AccountBlockBlock;
constructor({ blockType, address, fee, data, sendBlockHash, amount, toAddress, tokenId }: {
blockType: BlockType;
address: Address;
fee?: BigInt;
data?: Base64;
sendBlockHash?: Hex;
amount?: BigInt;
toAddress?: Address;
tokenId?: TokenId;
}, provider?: ProviderType, privateKey?: Hex)
setProvider(provider: ProviderType)
setPrivateKey(privateKey: Hex)
getPreviousAccountBlock(): Promise<AccountBlockType>
setHeight(height: Uint64): AccountBlockClassType
setPreviousHash(previousHash: Hex): AccountBlockClassType
setPreviousAccountBlock(previousAccountBlock: AccountBlockType): AccountBlockClassType
autoSetPreviousAccountBlock(): Promise<{
height: Uint64;
previousHash: Hex;
getDifficulty(): Promise<BigInt>
setDifficulty(difficulty: BigInt): AccountBlockClassType
autoSetDifficulty(): Promise<BigInt>
getNonce(): Promise<Base64>
setNonce(nonce: Base64): AccountBlockClassType
autoSetNonce(): Promise<Base64>
PoW(difficulty?: BigInt): Promise<{difficulty: BigInt; nonce: Base64}>
setPublicKey(publicKey: Hex | Base64): AccountBlockClassType
setSignature(signature: Hex | Base64): AccountBlockClassType
sign(privateKey?: Hex): AccountBlockClassType
send(): Promise<AccountBlockBlock>
sendByPoW(privateKey?: Hex): Promise<AccountBlockBlock>
autoSendByPoW(privateKey?: Hex): Promise<AccountBlockBlock>
autoSend(privateKey?: Hex): Promise<AccountBlockBlock>