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How to Use ViteConnect

ViteConnect allows you to connect the Vite iOS / Android Wallet app (hereinafter referred to as Wallet) to your web application (hereinafter referred to as Web App).

This package generates URIs that you can embed in a QR code for a user to scan with their Wallet. After the connection is established, transactions initiated by your Web App are relayed to the connected Wallet where the user can confirm or cancel it. This process ensures that the Web App you are interacting with never sees your private keys as the signing process happens on your phone.

See here for more introduction about ViteConnect.


npm install @vite/connector

Connector Class

Instances of Connector represent a user's ViteConnect session. - Constructor: - opts: IWalletConnectOptions - bridge?: string - URL of a ViteConnect Server - uri?: string - ViteConnect URI. This can be attained from new Connector().uri - session?: IWalletConnectSession - Instance of an existing ViteConnect session. This can be attained from new Connector().session > Note: Despite all three fields being optional, at least one must be present. - meta?: IClientMeta Optional Web App info that can be shown in the Wallet - bridgeVersion: number - description: string - url: string - icons: string[] - name: string - lastAccount?: string - Example

import Connector from '@vite/connector';
const bridge = 'wss://';
const vcInstance = new Connector({ bridge });


Name Type Description
bridge string URL of a ViteConnect server
key string AES encryption key used to encrypt messages
clientId string Unique Web App id
peerId string Unique Wallet id
clientMeta IClientMeta Web App info
peerMeta IClientMeta Wallet info
handshakeTopic string Handshake topic
handshakeId number Handshake id
uri string The ViteConnect URI that can be embedded in the QR code
chainId number Chain id
accounts string[] The list of connected accounts
connected boolean If true, a Wallet has been connected
session object An object that wraps all above properties except for uri



Creates a new ViteConnect session. After this method is called, it will wait until a Wallet approves or rejects the request. You can get the URI after the request is approved. - Parameters: - opts?: { chainId: number } Optional chain id - Returns: - Promise<void> - Example

await vcInstance.createSession();
const qrCodeData = vcInstance.uri;
// renderQRCode(qrCodeData);


It is crucial that you call createSession before using vcInstance.uri otherwise the Vite Wallet will not be able to connect.


To persist a session after your Web App stops, you can store the session data in localStorage and add it to the config object when instantiating Connector to restore the session.

localStorage.setItem('vcSession', vcInstance.session);
const vcInstance = new Connector({ session: localStorage.getItem('vcSession') });
// vcInstance can now be used to sign transactions without needing the user to connect again


Send various requests to the ViteConnect server. A common request is sending an unsigned transaction so that it will be signed in the Wallet. - Parameters: - request: Partial<IJsonRpcRequest> - id?: number Unique request id. Use if you need to respond to a specific request, otherwise leave it empty. - jsonrpc?: string JsonRpc version, default '2.0' - method: string - 'vc_sessionRequest' - Create a new session - 'vc_sessionUpdate' - Update current session info - 'vc_peerPing' - Send 'keepalive' message - 'vite_signAndSendTx' - Request for signing a transaction and send - 'vite_signMessage' - Request for signing a transaction - params: any[] Input arguments - Returns: - Promise<Any> - Example

// @vite/vitejs is a separate package you need to install for this example
import { accountBlock } from '@vite/vitejs';

const sendVcTx = () => {
    const block = accountBlock.createAccountBlock('callContract', {
        address: fromViteAddress,
        abi: contractABI,
        toAddress: toViteAddress,
        params: [],
        tokenId: viteTokenId,
        // This equals 1 VITE since VITE has 18 decimals
        amount: "1" + "0".repeat(18),

        .sendCustomRequest({ method: 'vite_signAndSendTx', params: { block } })
        .then((signedBlock: Block) => signedBlock);


Disconnect the Wallet and close the session - Parameters: - sessionError?: ISessionError - message?: string Optional message - Returns: - Promise<void> - Example



Start sending heartbeat messages - Parameters: - None - Returns: - void - Example



If the Web App hasn't sent a message for more than 10s after the connection is established, the session could be closed because the Wallet will send a disconnect message for not receiving your messages within 10s. You do not need to call this method - it will be called automatically when a session is created or updated.


Stop sending heartbeat messages - Parameters: - None - Returns: - void - Example


Note: if this method is called, the session will be closed after idle for 10s.


Stop sending heartbeat message, kill the current session and close socket. The ViteConnect server will recycle the related topics - Parameters: - None - Returns: - void - Example



Notify the Web App that an RPC request has been approved with response - Parameters: - response: Partial<IJsonRpcResponseSuccess> - id: number Response id which corresponds to an RPC request - jsonrpc: string - result: any Result - Returns: - void - Example



Notify the Web App that an RPC request has been rejected with error - Parameters: - response: Partial<IJsonRpcResponseError> - id: number Response id which corresponds to a RPC request - jsonrpc: string - error: IJsonRpcErrorMessage Error message - Returns: - void - Example



When the Web App sends a new session or session update request, it will wait for the response. The Wallet should call approveSession to approve the request or reject it with rejectSession - Parameters: - sessionStatus: ISessionStatus - chainId: number Chain id - accounts: string[] Connected accounts - Returns: - void - Example



When the Web App sends a new session or session update request, it will wait for the response. The Wallet should call approveSession to approve the request or reject it with rejectSession - Parameters: - sessionError?: ISessionError - message?: string Error message - Returns: - void - Example



Update the current session with new chain id or connected account is changed.

Note: For the time being only the first account of the array works - Parameters: - sessionStatus: ISessionStatus - chainId: number Chain id - accounts: string[] Connected accounts - Returns: - void - Example



Trigger callback functions for various events. - Parameters: - event: string - 'connect' When approveSession is called for a new session request or the user connects his Wallet - 'disconnect' When killSession or rejectSession is called or the user logs out from his Wallet - 'session_request' When createSession request is received - 'session_update' When updateSession is called or approveSession is called for a session update request - 'vc_peerPing' When a heartbeat message is received - 'error' When vc_sessionRequest or connect returns error - callback: (error: Error | null, payload: any | null) => void The callback function to call when the event is triggered - Returns: - void


vcInstance.on('connect', (err, payload) => {
    // vcInstance can start prompting transactions on the user's Vite Wallet app
vcInstance.on('disconnect', (err, payload) => {
    // User's Vite Wallet app is no longer connected